
On any given time within the schedule, we offer the following Modalities, Tarot &/or Oracle Readings, Numerology & Astrology. Our variety of Energy Healings including Reiki, Healing Touch, Kinesiology Psychometry & Quantum Touch… It all depends on who’s in the house volunteering, but you won’t be disappointed!

All sessions are 30 mins, $25 or $15 for concession.

Tuesday nights you can drop in for a mini healing or reading, $15 for 20 mins, includes cuppa & conversation if you choose, check out the books & meet some like-minded people… always a good mix of ages and demographics.

If you’re a Practitioner, Tuesday nights are Exchange time…

Give & Receive as well as practice what you’ve learnt for a small fee.

Certificates are required and we have a Volunteer Code of Conduct to adhere to.

Wednesdays & Saturdays entry includes a 30 min guided meditation.

Thursday nights we present a wide variety of volunteer speakers who share their Modality, Wisdom & Insight and content varies each week. You may even like to present or promote yourself. All revenue goes to the Centre for which we are always very grateful.

Saturdays we offer an Intuitive Circle @ 10 am. Learn or practice reading Oracle Cards with others. Some are experienced while others learn.  It’s always interesting & fun to see what our Spirit is telling us.

We often have a variety of practitioners hiring the Centre so keep an eye on our social media & flyers for what additional workshops & events may be happening.